Great support for global alignment and coordination! WebMo allows us to organize and share resources between our global Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning teams, to monitor the performance of our interventions and to collaborate when working on research. Thanks to this tool and the constant support from energypedia consult GmbH, we have improved our organization’s ways of working and communication.
WebMo combines issues such as proposal drafting, project management and monitoring – and thus replaces existing isolated solutions. The cooperation with energypedia consult GmbH ran and runs smoothly and above all: WebMo is very stable! The results-focused and competent staff from energypedia consult GmbH and their experience in the context of development policy were and are key success factors for the great success of our WebMo.
WebMo has definitely improved the efficiency of the entire project monitoring process and made it much less cumbersome by enabling the status of implementation of the different components to be clearly analyzed.
Highly customer and result-oriented! Working together has been and still is fantastic. We absolutely recommend energypedia as a company and WebMo as an online data monitoring and reporting tool.