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WebMo - feature-rich AND simple to use

WebMo is a user-friendly M&E software for results-based monitoring and evaluation for development projects. It has been developed by development practitioners with more than 15 years of practical experience.

We did not join the international development community to read e-mails and look for information, we wanted to make a change. This is why we developed the monitoring and evaluation software WebMo.
Because WebMo is simple to use and makes your monitoring more efficient, it leaves you more time for the really important things! 

We offer a standard version of our monitoring and evaluation software WebMo with several features. Based on this standard version, we offer customized tools, too. As WebMo is very flexible, we can develop a custom-made version for you in short time and for a very fair price!

All your data is stored on servers in Germany and we are in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

Standard WebMo Features

Manage your project(s)

With our M&E software WebMo you can manage one or many projects in a single user-friendly system. Up to 20 projects can be monitored in the same platform. Enter key data such as project name, location, responsibilities, duration, SDG tagging, partners, etc. for each project.


With our M&E software WebMo and its dashboard visualizations you always have all relevant information ready at hand for management decisions, project management as well as reporting and evaluation.

Dashboards show the overall project progress. The M&E software WebMo offers you various types of graphical data representation, including pie and bar charts. You can also use maps and link information to the countries in which your project operates. Colouring shows if the projects are on track or off-track.


The M&E software WebMo is equipped with a logframe including objective, outcomes, outputs, activities, and indicators for each level. The different levels are dynamically interconnected and progress on a lower level, e.g. activities, is automatically included into higher aggregated levels. This prevents tedious and resource-wasting double-entries of data.

Indicator sheets

We offer various kinds of indicator sheets:

  • A baseline / target / current indicator: Data can be entered disaggregated, e.g. age, gender, etc. Collect data at different points in time and display the history over time.

    Baseline/Current/Target value indicator (disaggregated by age)

  • Milestone indicator: can be used both for quantitative and qualitative data. You can define as many milestones as you want on the way from the baseline to the target

    Milestone indicator

  • Activity indicator: Only at the output level can you select activity indicators that measure the progress of activities assigned to the indicator.

    Activities indicator


Operational Planning

Don't loose track: Add activities to your monitoring and have them displayed on a timeline.

In the activity sheet, you can further define tasks or sub-activities to manage a more detailed plan. If you want to have a more detailed overview, you can break down tasks or next steps to be more precise in your activity planning.


Our M&E software WebMo is out of the box available in English, French, Spanish and German. All other languages are possible for custom versions.


Download your logframe to word and your data into Excel files to prepare report results to donors, decision-makers or the public.

RemindMe Feature

This feature reminds the user whenever an important date is due. E.g. an indicator due date, or an indicator next measurement date.

The user will receive a reminder notification via WebMo itself, or by e-mail, or both (depending on the personal preferences selected).

Quality Check

This helpful maintenance feature checks if the logframe is complete, if data is missing, and if data is up-to-date.

Import and Export your Data

You can easily import and export data as csv or xml files. Furthermore we have standard interfaces (api) ready.

File Management

Upload relevant documents to your M&E software WebMo or attach files directly to all levels of the logframe. For example, use a report as source of verification for an indicator.

WebMo Tools for Collaboration

The M&E software WebMo helps you to coordinate your team and to quickly find the information that you are looking for - because there is a better way than sending e-mails to share information, publications, workshop results, and new ideas!

  • Stakeholder Management System to keep track of your project's contacts, meetings and decisions.
  • Grant Management and Monitoring System to administer your grant application process.
  • Project Database to create synergies and learning effects between similar projects.
  • Publications Database to share documents and make them searchable by key information.
  • Absence and Event Calendar to openly share absences and interesting events.
  • Joint Agenda to allow for transparent preparation and documentation of meetings.
  • Event Preparation to support logistics, agenda definition and documentation.
  • To-Do Lists to assign tasks and responsibilities and  monitor their progress.